9 top vegan protein sources

Worried you won't get enough protein in your diet when you choose to eat plant-based?
Protein is often a barrier for those ditching the meat but we've put together our top 9 vegan protein sources to make your life easier.
Did you know that if everyone in the UK replaced just one more red meat meal per week with a plant-based dish, it would reduce the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50 million tonnes – the same as taking 16 million cars off the road!
Are you getting enough?
Most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day, and this goes up to around 1.2-2.0g for athletes.
Check out the list below for some easy protein sources you can find anywhere!
9 top vegan protein sources
1. Soy
Soy protein can be a part of a healthy plant-based diet. Foods like
tofu, tempeh, edamame and even soy milk are great options for adding protein into your meals.
2. Nutritional Yeast
Affectionately nicknamed "nooch" by the vegan community,
nutritional yeast's scientific-sounding name shouldn't throw you off. It's an inactive yeast that is yellow and flakey with a unique cheesy, umami-rich taste. It has 4 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons and, as a bonus, is a great vegan source of vitamin B12. Sprinkle on pasta or bowls of popcorn.
3. Seitan
Seitan is a staple in plant-based diets. It is created with vital wheat gluten, the main
protein in wheat, which results in a chewy and hearty texture that really mimics
meat in some dishes. The meatballs in our Diavolo Spaghetti are made from seitan and we're OBSESSED.
4. Whole Grains
Many varieties are
naturally high in protein, not to mention they deliver fiber, vitamins and minerals to
your diet, even though we typically think of them as carbohydrate sources.
To boost your daily grain intake, start your day with a warm bowl of
oatmeal, keep lunch fresh with a quinoa salad or end your evening with wild rice-
stuffed peppers for dinner.
5. Green Vegetables
Often overlooked when it comes to protein, green vegetables offer more than just
vitamins and minerals. Foods like spinach, Brussels sprouts and green peas all
contain decent levels of protein to balance out your plate. Not to mention, greens are
antioxidant-rich, full of fiber and low in calories.
6. Potatoes
Thanks to French fries & potato skins, potatoes sometimes don't get the best press. However potatoes are a great source of protein plus they have more potassium than a banana and is a good source of fibre. Don't get us started on how versatile they are!
7. Legumes
Legumes are the budget-friendly base of many plant-based dishes. The category of legumes contains beans and lentils, both powerhouses when it comes to plant protein. Stock up on tins of lentils, chickpeas and black beans when you're next shopping.
8. Seeds
Seeds aren't just for the birds. From sesame seeds whirred into tahini to flax seeds
sprinkled onto oatmeal or baked into bread, seeds can be a rich source of protein and
fiber in a vegan diet. Flax, chia and hemp are also good sources of plant-based
omega-3 fats. Why not sprinkle some chia seeds in your next bowl of oats?
9. Nuts
No plant-based pantry would be complete without several varieties of nuts, which
are equally easy to snack on or to incorporate into recipe.
packing up pre-portioned baggies of almonds for grab-and-go snacks, whisking peanut butter into sauces and adding a sprinkling of walnuts to your next salad.
Need more protein in your life?
Check our our protein powered OnePots to keep you fuelled!
And if you want to find out even more, read this great article from BarBend.com:
Vegan diet for athletes - Can you build muscle with plant-based nutrition?