Antioxidant rich vegan foods 🧠♥️

We like to think of Soulful as Good Mood Food, but what does that really mean?
We asked our nutritionist, Alicia, to explain the science behind how eating Soulful could help not only your physical wellbeing, but your mental wellbeing too.
Today we're talking Vitamin E.
Vitamin E is one of the three main antioxidant vitamins.
It's fat soluble, which means it can cross the blood brain barrier.
You'll find it in squash, red pepper, olive oil, sunflower seeds and almonds.It is really important for cognitive function, protecting the brain from toxins and regenerating antioxidants.
During times of prominent anxiety and stress, your body uses more vitamin E, which can deplete your stores and lead to more intense anxiety symptoms. Supplementing with vitamin E can help your body restore its natural balance and provide some relief from anxiousness, stress, and depression.
Where can you find Vitamin E? Our OnePots!
So, not only are they a super tasty way to grab a quick lunch, they can also help your body and mind to cope with the stresses of life.
How’s that for Good Mood Food?
And, of course, you can always order our super easy vegan OnePot meals to be delivered to you anywhere in the UK*. The ultimate in convenience. Delivery is free on orders over £34.99. You can also pick them up in Tesco, Co-op and Ocado.