5 minute Flatbreads

Steer clear of the supermarket bread - we’ve got this one covered.
When you’re trying to stick to a healthy, preservative-free vegan diet we know how hard it is to have those relapse days when you just crave a huge chunk of bread with your stew. Five-minute flatbreads are for then. Needing just five ingredients that you’ll already have at home, you can relax and take care of those crunch pangs in less time than it takes to dash to the shops.
These flatbreads are ultra-low in fat and high in fibre (if you use whole flour), so you can indulge in guilt-free snacking. Might we add that they also look pretty and add an easy homemade touch to your dinner parties!
Gather your cupboard staples to make a super easy homemade bread.
Here’s what you need:
- 2 cups of flour
- 4 teaspoons of baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of flaky sea salt
- 2/3 of cup water
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
Relax and follow the steps - the ultimate vegan comfort food is on the way.
And here’s what to do:
Step one:
Combine the flour, salt and baking powder in a food processor. Then, slowly add water and oil and process until dough starts to come together.
Test: the dough should be slightly sticky and elastic!
Step two:
Dust your work surface and hands with flour then lift the dough out onto your work surface. Knead until it’s smooth (this should take around one minute).
Step three:
Divide the mixture into eight pieces, then take each ball of dough and flatten slightly. Roll each piece out with a rolling pin dusted in flour until it is roughly 12 cm round.
Tip: Don’t aim for perfection - they look more rustic if they are not completely round!
Step four:
Heat a pan on your hob to high heat - or a griddle if you have one. Add each flatbread and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side - until you see a start turn to golden.
Step five:
Serve warm! And if you’re not ready to eat yet, just wrap them up in a soft cotton napkin or reusable wrap to save for later.
On a rainy day, our favourite One-Pot to have with the flatbreads is the Mexican Bean & Sweet Potato with Quinoa. We’re even adding a pinch of dried chilli powder to the flatbread flour to give it an extra kick - but you can adapt them as you like. Having the Tikka Masala? Try a dash of cumin. Going for a Thai Curry? Add some dried coconut for texture.
Once you get comfortable with the recipe the quicker you’ll be - and the more fun you can have experimenting. Meanwhile, jump onto our website where you can sign up to the mailing list for more vegan recipe ideas just like this!
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